Light bulbs on the Internet? Try using an LED as a router.

WiFi now is an essential part of our lives like reading, playing, working and so on.
The magic of radio waves carries data back and forth between devices and wireless routers.
However, the signal of wireless network is not ubiquitous. Sometimes, users in complex environments, large houses or villas often need to deploy wireless extenders to increase the coverage of wireless signals.
However electric light is common in the indoor environment. Wouldn’t it be better if we could send a wireless signal through the light bulb of electric light?
Maite Brandt Pearce, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia, is experimenting with using leds to send wireless signals faster than current standard Internet connections.
The researchers have dubbed the project “LiFi”, which uses no extra energy to send wireless data through LED bulbs. A growing number of lamps are now being converted to LEDS, which can be placed in different places in the home and connected wirelessly to the Internet.
But professor Maite Brandt Pearce suggets don’t throw your indoor wireless router.
LED bulbs emit wireless network signals, which cannot replace WiFi, but are only an auxiliary means to expand wireless network.
In this way, any place in the environment where you can install a light bulb can be an access point to WiFi, and LiFi is very secure.
Already, companies are experimenting with using LI-Fi to connect to the Internet using light waves from a desk lamp.
Sending wireless signals through LED bulbs is just one technology that has a big impact on the Internet of Things.
By connecting to the wireless network provided by the bulb, the home’s coffee machine, refrigerator, water heater and so on can be connected to the Internet.
In the future, we won’t need to extend the wireless network provided by a wireless router to every room in the home and connect appliances to it.
A more convenient LiFi technology will make it possible for us to use wireless networks in our homes.

Post time: Dec-16-2020

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